About Us

We are a full service company, offering custom software solutions for startups and existing businesses. Trust is one of our pillars. We invite you to know us.

Our Vision

Our mind is set towards being not only developers, but real partners of those who reach out to help them in their business, offering great quality in every single project. Odiseo's commitment is to listen to its participants, their motivations and advice, and with that build a solid foundation to also materialize innovative ideas for the good of society.

Our Mission

Visualize, plan, develop and deliver outstanding sofware in collaboration with our partners, with efficiency and strong communication, offering personalized attention to every customer along the way. Keeping up to date with the trending technologies is what motivates us, together with ultimate customer satisfaction and having a competitive business model.

Our Services

Our experience and knowledge let us offer different kind of services: consultancy, custom developments, e-commerce, mobile app developments. We analyze in detail if your needs adapt to our capacities to provide the best possible solution.

Our Services

With passion and determination we make your projects a reality


We have broad experience developing custom e-commerce. We provide solutions with Sylius, an open source e-commerce framework based on Symfony. 

Check out these Case Studies to see just some of the B2C-B2B stores in portfolio!

Mobile Apps

Take advantage of our expertise in native mobile solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies like ReactNative, Expo, Fluter and more of the latest technologies so you can connect with your customers anywhere, all the time. As easy as it sounds.

Custom Developments

We use the latest technologies and the best practices in the industry to build your product exactly as you imagine it. 
CMS, CRM, E-commerce, PIMs and more...


We create using the best Business to Customer solutions with the latest specialized technologies like Sylius, Sulu and eZ.

Consulting & Support

Need a hand solving some issues, adding features or getting rid of bugs?  Let us know and we'll have you covered.

AI-Powered Solutions

Leverage Python alongside cutting-edge technologies like TensorFlow and PyTorch to unlock the potential of predictive analytics and intelligent automation. Drive your business forward with data-driven insights.

Esto es lo que incluye nuestros servicios

Con positivismo y compromiso en mente


An effective communication facilitates the achievement of the established goals. We know there is a difference between what is received and what is perceived, this is why establishing an active, assertive and proactive communication with our clients is vital.


Most of the users will abandon a site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. In Odiseo we develop with that in mind using several techniques and tools to improve a site Performance like: Blackfire, Http Cache (Varnish), Gatling load tests, Redis and more .


We focus in the quality of our projects. We use PHP frameworks like Symfony, testing tools and we do QA/QC, that allows us to make trustworthy and safe projects.


We have the necessary resources to offer great developing times and through detailed planification we define times we can comply.


Creativity is intelligence having fun. We like to explore new ideas, so we worry each project has an unique and special touch.


We believe trust is the basis of any relationship. In our experience, honesty and compromise are fundamental in both parts.

El equipo principal

Trabajamos apasionadamente en lo que nos gusta
Pablo Sebastian D'Amico

Pablo D'Amico

CEO & Co-Fundador

Creo en que las bases para el crecimiento son el esfuerzo y la disciplina. Me gusta leer y aprender constantemente. Me gusta la tecnología, los videojuegos, meditar y reunirme con amigos.

Diego D'amico

Diego D'Amico

CTO & Co-Fundador

Me gusta el fútbol y la tecnología. Tengo 39 años, estoy casado, tengo dos hijos y 2 perros.
Busco constantemente la manera de mejorar y progresar tanto a nivel personal como profesional.

Damian Ezequiel D'Amico

Damian D'Amico

Senior web developer

Soy Técnico Superior en Programación. Fanático de los videojuegos y Los Simpson. Soy autodidacta, me gustan los desafíos y aprender cosas nuevas. Me gusta jugar al fútbol y pasar tiempo con mi familia.

Ezequiel Crespo

Ezequiel Crespo

Senior web developer

Soy estudiante de Ingeniería en Informática en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Disciplinado, autodidacta con facilidad para adaptarme a los cambios y nuevos desafíos. Me apasiona la literatura y el entrenamiento con pesas.


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